Dogality Types
Mike Rowland of Animal Training and Development invented the founding idea that is the basis for our training method- The 5 Dogality Types!
Similar to human personality types, dogalitys are the categorizing of dogs according to their behaviors and tendencies of how they think and act.
We form our training methods to honor each dog’s dogality type and create a balanced temperament within the dog to set them up for success in life!
The 5 Dogality Types
Dominant Dogality
Dominant dogs are confident and comfortable in most situations. They tend to resist authority and can be quite stubborn, sometimes even a bit of a bully.
Dogs with the dominant dogality don’t like to be told what to do, or how to do something, preferring choices to direction.
These dogs often connect best with a human that mirrors their dogality, where both learn a lot about give and take!
Supportive Dogality
Supportive dogs are often described as patient and kind. They are eager to please and sensitive to the needs of others, both dog and human.
These dogs make great therapy and service dogs, and are good with children. The downside is they tend to be clingy and can never have enough attention, so they need lots of companionship.
A supportive dogality matches great with a human that has a similar personality.
Outgoing Dogality
Social butterfly, happy-go-lucky and party animal are just a few of the ways these types are described. They are boundless in energy and always ready to go! They tend to play hard, eat fast, and live big.
Their downside is the times when they just don’t know when or how to slow down. They are rarely aggressive, but usually overly rambunctious with kids and other animals.
They make great swimmers, hunters, hikers, joggers, fetchers, and workers. These dogs are best suited with people and families who share similar energy and enthusiasm.
Submissive Dogality
Dogs with the submissive dogality are described as peace-loving, friendly, sensitive, and sweet. Yet, there is much more to say about these lovable types. They are deceptively strong and arguably the smartest in all the dog world.
They are quick to learn any social system and find ways to fit and function within it.
Strong personalities and loud settings can lead to stress and anxiety with this type; their gentle spirits do best in peaceful environments. If you have a laid back personality and enjoy tranquility, this type is for you!
Guarded Dogality
If a guarded type dog wore a sign it would read: “I’m not a hugger!” If you flipped the sign over, it would say: “But if I choose to hug you, you will truly be hugged!”
These types are slow to trust, but once trust has been earned, they are the most loyal and affectionate in all the dog world.
They don’t like new places, nor do they long for adventure. Instead, they thrive on predictable routines and quiet atmospheres. If you prefer a good book to a party, this may be your kind of dog. If your schedule is consistent and your lifestyle is laid back, then you may find out just how nice it is to be loved by a guarded dog.
Active people with lots of visitors beware. These types of dogs can become aggressive when over-stressed with stimulation.

Blended Dogalitys
Majority of dogs are a blend of two dogality types.For example, a dog may be Dominate with a side of Guarded.
Common blends include: