Daycare Training
Dogs participating in daycare training programs spend the day with Mike at the training facility. During the day, they receive training sessions to learn basic commands and have the opportunity to socialize with people and other dogs. Drop off is between 8am-9am, and pick up is between 3pm-5pm. We recommend two days per week for at least five weeks. There are two packages available.
The Alpha package:
6 commands: Sit, Heel, Down, Walk, Come and Place
10 Daycare Training Days
4 Private Lessons at our training center
Punch card for 5 group obedience sessions to use over 3 months. Sessions are held twice weekly.
Bonus: 2 free daycare training videos of your dog training with us showing techniques and and insights into your dog.
Cost: $ 1,899
The Beta package:
6 commands: Sit, Heel, Down, Walk, Come and Place
8 Daycare Training Days
2 Private Lessons at our training center
Punch card for 5 group obedience sessions to use over 3 months. Sessions are held twice weekly.
Bonus: One free daycare training videos of your dog training with us showing techniques and and insights into your dog.
Cost: $1,599
Training & Field Trips!